As a parent, your responsibility is to ensure your daughter gets the best possible care. Regular gynecology visits are necessary to safeguard her reproductive health.

But what is the best age to start seeing a gynecologist? Here are FAQs and answers you need to know!

Is It Really Necessary for a Young Girl to See a Gynecologist?

Yes, it is. 

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends the best age to start seeing a gynecologist is between 13 to 15 years old. However, if they have not yet started their period, if they are having difficult periods, and / or if they are sexually active, it may be necessary to schedule an appointment even sooner. 

How Should I Help My Teen Prepare for an Appointment?

The most important thing you can do is to be supportive and foster open communication. 

Ask your daughter ahead of time if she wants you to be in the room with her and how you can help her through the process. Guide her through writing down questions and concerns. 

While you are likely going to be the one to complete new patient paperwork, it is a good idea to fill her in on your family’s medical history. Explain she may be asked questions that are a bit embarrassing but that her honest answers are essential to her health.

I Know the Best Age to Start Seeing a Gynecologist, but What Should My Teen Expect?

As with any doctor visit, her vitals will be taken including weight, height, and blood pressure. Let her know there may be a pelvic exam and possibly a Pap smear, depending on her age and medical history. 

The gynecologist may also address topics such as puberty, contraception, sexual health, and necessary screenings or tests. 

Capital Women’s Care Is Here for Patients of All Stages of Life!

Our team of women’s health experts understands gynecology visits can be difficult, and our goal is to ensure they are as stress free as possible.

Call us today at 301-304-1830 in Laurel or 301-259-5695 in Silver Spring to book an appointment for yourself or your daughter!